Does bruteforce attacks really exist?

A short blog post about how #Syspeace has blocked, traced and reported more than 2.7 Million bruteforce attacks against #windowsserver #msexhange #Sharepoint #remotedesktop #Citrix

Syspeace 2.5.0 says hi to new Detector Provider API

Syspeace 2.5.0 introduces the new Detector Provider API for developing “detectors” that plug into Syspeace and can listen for login attempts in additional places.  Alongside Syspeace 2.5.0, the Syspeace reseller model has been improved for both customers and resellers. Syspeace 2.5.0 also includes new functionality to export and import settings to cut down on configuration […]

Strategy and success wheels

Syspeace introduces improved reseller model

With the new reseller model, customers are free to buy licenses from the reseller of their choice. They can also buy licenses directly from Syspeace. Customers no longer have to pick a reseller at the time of registration. They are also free to choose a reseller in their own time. Customers can also buy licenses […]

Would Syspeace help against Heartbleed OpenSSL bug ?

In short, no. Syspeace monitors failed logins on MS Exchange, Windows Server, SharePoint, Remote desktop, Citrix and evaluates if it is a brute force attack against the system or not. However, if an attacker has gained access to passwords and usernames, he or she will use those and be able to log in. From the […]